How old should my child be to begin formal Irish dancing lessons?
As we all know, every child is different. Our Wee Ones program is for ages 4-5. The youngest students accepted for Beginners are age 5 and starting Kindergarten — ability to focus, attention span and knowing right from left are important. Most children begin dancing around 5 to 8 years of age, but may begin up to age 12.
How long does it take to learn Irish dancing?
Irish dancing is a progression. Beginners start by learning the basics of Irish dancing — posture, foot placement, timing, “threes” and “sevens.” With this solid foundation, each year adds intricacies in footwork, rhythms and figure dancing. Practice and class attendance play important roles in this progression.
When do classes begin?
Classes begin the Tuesday after Labor Day and run through May. A typical school schedule is followed with breaks coinciding with holidays. Sessions are 3-months: Fall Session (Sept-Oct-Nov), Winter Session (Dec-Jan-Feb) and Spring Session (Mar-Apr-May). Summer Session I is held the month of June for dancers interested in extending classes into early summer.
What does my dancer wear to class?
Dancers may wear any t-shirt and shorts. Dancers are required to wear dance socks and shoes (to be purchased through the studio). Beginner costumes cost approximately $100 (new) and will also be purchased through the studio later in the dance year.
What special events will my dancer participate in during the year?
Beginner dancers are encouraged to participate in the annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade (March) and the Queen City Feis (dance competition in May). All dancers participate in our annual show — The Emerald Ball (formerly known as “Brigid’s Bonfire Ball”).